Experiential Learning for Faculty and Staff

The creativity and innovation of faculty and staff is critical to the success of our students.  Experiential learning is one way faculty and staff can help students build a toolbox full of interpersonal skills, professional skills, and discipline-specific skills to help them excel in their future careers. 

Both faculty and staff are eligible to apply for mini grants of up to $250.  These grants are to be used for the direct benefit of students.  A description of the grants and the application are below.

If you are interested in offering courses as part of the experiential learning program you can find all the necessary documents and information below. This includes approval process, approval request form, grant information, and the mini grant form.

Grant Information

Mini grants of up to $250 are available to faculty and staff facilitating Experiential Learning activities with students.  They may be curricular or co-curricular activities.

There are 30 grants available each academic year.

Grant monies awarded in this grant cycle are intended for use during late Summer 2024 (after July 1) and Fall 2024.  Funds must be spent by June 30, 2025, which is the end of the next fiscal year.

If you are seeking funding for activities that will occur after December 2024 please wait to apply until Fall 2024.

Grant funds may not be used for student wages, gas cards, gift cards, or any activity during a study abroad trip that is included in the cost of the trip.  If you have questions about allowable expenses, please contact Beth Hinga prior to submitting your application.

Grant funds must be used for the direct benefit of undergraduate students.  This may include (but is not limited to):

  • Materials and supplies for research, creative activities, EL courses, or co-curricular EL activities.
  • Training by individuals or organizations outside 体育菠菜大平台 that cannot be provided by 体育菠菜大平台 personnel.
  • Educational activities for students
  • Equipment for student use
  • Registration fees or travel for students to attend conferences.  Priority will be given to applications for student travel for advisors of students who do not receive a stipend for conference travel through university research programs.

Please be advised that if you are applying for funds to support a study abroad activity, that activity cannot be part of the planned trip students have paid for.

Funds must be deposited into a 51- account.  They cannot be deposited into a 52- account.  If you do not have a 51- account available to you, it is possible you may need to decline a grant.

A brief post-grant report will be required detailing how funds were used, and how students benefited from the grant.

Faculty and staff may apply once per year, but preference will be given to those who have not previously applied.

Grant applications will be due Thursday, April 18, 2024 at 11:59pm.

If you have any questions about this application, contact Dr. Beth Hinga at hingabd@963ssd.com or (308) 865-8867.

Mini Grant Application

Reporting Form for Grantees